Skynor’s 1st participation in CMEF (The China International Medical Equipment Fair)

The China International Medical Equipment Fair(CMEF), a medical equipment exhibition, brings together international medical equipment brands to connect with globally licensed medical equipment distributors, resellers, manufacturers, doctors, regulators and government agencies. Showcase new-to-worldwide market innovative products and solutions at CMEF.

Skynor Medical showed up this time with eight products, which attracted positive attention. They are SkyFlow® Thrombectomy Device, SkyWay™ Microcatheter, SkySurfer® Distal Access Catheter, SkyGuard® Balloon Guide Catheter, SkyLoach® Intracranial Balloon Dilatation Catheter, SkyNova® Peripheral Vascular Stent System, Hydrus® Peripheral Balloon Dilatation Catheter and Hydrus® PTA Balloon Dilatation Catheter. The portfolio are divided into two product lines, neurovascluar and peripheral vascular.


Skynor Medical showed up this time with eight products, which attracted positive attention. They are SkyFlow® Thrombectomy Device, SkyWay™ Microcatheter, SkySurfer® Distal Access Catheter, SkyGuard® Balloon Guide Catheter, SkyLoach® Intracranial Balloon Dilatation Catheter, SkyNova® Peripheral Vascular Stent System, Hydrus® Peripheral Balloon Dilatation Catheter and Hydrus® PTA Balloon Dilatation Catheter. The portfolio are divided into two product lines, neurovascluar and peripheral vascular.

Skynor strives to provide comprehensive interventional treatment solutions for patients worldwidely, keep enhancing the clinical value to human health.

Post time: May-17-2021